Make Sandhills Credit Union your first stop for lending products to assist you in financing your personal loans, farm or business.
Student Loans
These loans can be set up to provide funds for educational expenses including tuition, books, accommodation, food and living. Any member who is enrolled at least 50% of full time study requirements in an accredited post-secondary institution or community college is eligible. Borrowers must provide confirmation of enrolment.
Student loans are available to a maximum of $30,000.00. Parents’ signatures may be required to guarantee the loan. This account is available to students age 19 – 25.
Students over the age of 25 may be eligible for a student loan through the normal lending channels, similar to a personal loan.
Student loans are also available through the Government of Saskatchewan and Canada. Your Credit Union can assist you in researching these options.
Member’s Life and Disability Insurance
Available on all Sandhills Credit Union loan products to assist members in time of disability or in the event of death.
The insurance automatically makes your loan payments for you or pays off the loan entirely, depending on the option you choose.